Interpreter Dutch English French
- Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting Dutch -English and English -Dutch
- Interpreting French-Dutch and French- English
2016 Simultaneous interpreting refresher course in London, International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC)
2015 Note-taking refresher course in York, International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC)
2012 French Language and Civilization refresher course in Paris, International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC)
2011 BA Interpreter English, ITV-Hogeschool voor
Tolken en Vertalen
2006 Certificates Translator English, Stichting Nationale
Examens Vertaler en Tolk, Hogeschool West-Nederland
2003 Certificate Introduction to International Law, Open
Universiteit Nederland
2000 BA Honours International Relations with French,
Sussex University, Brighton, England
1999(exchange-year) European Political Studies,
Université Robert Schuman, Strasbourg, France
1996 French Language and Civilization, Université de la
Sorbonne, Paris, France
1995 Dutch eq. A-levels, Het Willem de Zwijger College, Bussum
2009-2019 Interpreting, translating and language teaching
2001 -2008 Communications positions at Medecins sans Frontières, Altus Global Alliance and Edukans, the Netherlands
2001 English Teacher, Inner-Mongolia, China
1999 Internship at the European Parliament, Strasbourg, France