Language Services

Interpreter Dutch English French 

  • Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting Dutch -English and English -Dutch
  • Interpreting French-Dutch and French- English


2016 Simultaneous interpreting refresher course in London, International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC)
Note-taking refresher course in York, International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC)
French Language and Civilization refresher course in Paris, International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC)
BA Interpreter English, ITV-Hogeschool voor
Tolken en Vertalen
2006 Certificates Translator English, Stichting Nationale
Examens Vertaler en Tolk, Hogeschool West-Nederland
2003 Certificate Introduction to International Law, Open
Universiteit Nederland
2000 BA Honours International Relations with French,
Sussex University, Brighton, England
1999(exchange-year) European Political Studies,
Université Robert Schuman, Strasbourg, France
1996 French Language and Civilization, Université de la
Sorbonne, Paris, France
1995 Dutch eq. A-levels, Het Willem de Zwijger College, Bussum


2009-2019 Interpreting, translating and language teaching
2001 -2008 Communications positions at Medecins sans Frontières, Altus Global Alliance and Edukans, the Netherlands
2001 English Teacher, Inner-Mongolia, China
1999 Internship at the European Parliament, Strasbourg, France